Rienco Consulting Hydrologist - NSW South Coast's Premier Hydrology Specialists

Rienco Consulting are the pre-eminent practice of water engineers on the NSW South Coast. Our hydrologists are passionate about providing innovative water engineering services with a strong client focus. As a boutique practice, we tailor cutting edge solutions to fit all our clients’ needs.

Flood Assessments & Management Plans

Surface water hydrology looks at the properties and flow of water, and how it behaves in different environments.


Rainfall Data Collection & Analysis

We use hydrologic modelling to understand the volumes of water flowing into, or out of, a catchment at any one time.


Stormwater Modelling and Planning

Water sensitive urban design is an engineering planning and design approach which is more considerate of the water cycle.


Civil Construction Design Consulting

Our experienced engineers also have extensive knowledge in many areas of civil design and project management.


Our Expertise:

Surface water hydrology; rainfall data collection, runoff data collection, estimation of cover and losses relating to any surface waters

Surface water hydraulics; using hydrologic measures to determine flood risks and levels

Water sensitive urban design; determining the impacts of development on the existing environment

Expert witness; providing expert witness opinion and evidence to the various Court systems in NSW on water engineering matters

 Our Services:

Flood studies

Water sensitive urban design

Civil design and project management

Stormwater management

Expert witness

We help you navigate through the flood-related aspects of your development approvals and/or provide expert evidence and opinion for Councils, the Land and Environment Court, and the Planning Assessment Commission where required.

Our Clients:




Homeowners / landowners

Local councils

Government agencies

Insurance agencies

We service the NSW South Coast from Sydney to Eden.

Our Mission:

To provide personally tailored, safe, innovative and cost effective water engineering solutions to meet every client’s needs.


Stay abreast of the latest industry news and get access to our hydrology research papers. We aim to help our industry develop faster, safer, more effective methods and technologies in the fields of flood risk management and hydrology.

Research Papers

Rienco Consulting hydrologists are committed to ongoing research and development in the water engineering sciences. We are involved with the analysis of historical flood events and testing of new techniques and modelling to ensure we offer our clients the highest quality service and advice.

WBNM Rain & Flood Modelling Software

We are actively involved in helping to develop new methods of assessment, analysis and modelling (software).

What our customers say


In my capacity as an architect I have worked with Anthony on a large number of projects throughout the Wollongong area. Anthony has a deep knowledge of local stormwater issues, and in particular the risks and mitigation strategies that should be applied. He is very experienced in the requirements of local councils and has contributed to many successful applications of all scales, from renovations to developments and subdivisions. I can wholeheartedly recommend Anthony and the Rienco team for their practical and professional approach to assessing and solving stormwater related conditions, and as effective advocates in dealing with the council planning controls.

Michael Vail

Michael Vail Design

I use Rienco for all flooding and drainage matters on my projects because of their flooding modelling skills and pragmatic understanding of the difficulties of land development. The top-line integrity of their work was demonstrated recently on a very contentious project where the Rienco report passed a rigorous peer review by one of Australia's leading hydrology firms, with no change to the original findings and recommendations. It's comforting to know with Rienco you have that clarity of thinking helping find the best solution, and the confidence that it will be right.

Land Development Project Manager